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Minecraft Education was used in Year 7 TAS so that students could learn about the design process. Students created their work Sketchup, Google Sites (as their online portfolio) and used Minecraft Education construct their builds using the inventory and resources as specified in their learning. This PBL activity was aimed at students of NESB and those with low literacy levels.


Minecraft Education was used in Year 10 Geography to complete learning activities about the topic - Urbanisation. Based on their own city - Glenwood, NSW, students were to create city but make it sustainable whilst considering matters such as growth, decline, lack of infrastructure etc. 

All students who participated in this learning activity also blogged their experience with using the technological tool. 


Students at Wilton Pubic School in years 3-6 are embarking on a journey to create and design the perfect city. With the support class looking at Japan, the other classes will be designing their wolds to represent what life will look like in the future.


All students in these classes are using coding (courtesy of CodeMaker tutorials) to build their worlds.


Students at Yawarra Community School are using Minecraft Education to complete learning tasks for numerous KLAs as well as to define their gross and fine motor skills, critical thinking skills and collaboration skills.


With teacher assistance, these students are able to develop and play in worlds collaboratively and individually.


In its foundation year of operation, teachers and students at Inner Sydney High School are already engaging with Minecraft Education to implement whole-school programs such as Pursue Your Passion (PYP).  


Students are developing a community that highlights on the importance of sustainability.


Year 9 students who complete an elective subject 'Game Design' are using Minecraft Education to learn how to code in Python as well as to design a game within Minecraft Education.


The Hospital School at Westmead uses Minecraft Education to help students learn about the school's values. Using Minecraft Education as a tool that is embedded n teaching programs, students obtain the full benefit of learning how to code, being able to collaborate with each other as well as have fun during their hospital stay.



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